Additional Resources

Recommended by Beth and Bob

Short Scientific Videos

How Our Thinking Affects our Bodies


Our thoughts, what we choose to think about, shapes us much more than our genes. It can even affect future generations.

3 PhD Scientists

Uncover Connections: Mind & Body

Bob loves Ted-Talks & Beth even made one. The format of a Ted-Talk is to have an expert give an “Executive Summary” (Easy Learning) summarizing years of research / experience on their subject in a video in under 20 minutes, so that many “nuggets” worth knowing are presented every minute. The viewer is intended to walk away with a good understanding of what they often have never heard of before.

(TED began in 1984 as a conference designed to spread ideas, focused upon: Technology, Entertainment and Design and has grown.)

Courtney Griffins PhD:

Things Stronger than Genes

Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD

Nobel Laureate: Aging

The science that Bob learned as a student in so many cases has been replaced by new science. Science is based upon many observations of a particular focus of attention and is good at answering what questions, but can never identify things like why, what is the purpose. The realm of physics or chemistry has been considered “solid” but social sciences are a bit less so, probably impacted by human free-will, and sometimes altruistic, choices that cannot be totally predicted. Now we are aware of the subatomic realities of quantum physics where things can influence others faster than speed of light and mere observation of a predictable experiment changes the outcome.

Choices Make a Difference

Caroline Leaf, PhD:

Renewal of the Mind & Habits

can Renew the Body

“Your beliefs become your thoughts; Your thoughts become your words; Your words become your actions; Your actions become your habits; Your habits become your values; Your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Gandhi